Profitability & Cost Management

The Axiom Profitability Management solution provides visibility into what’s truly creating or eroding profitability; Finance professionals can quickly and easily create full profit and loss reports (P&Ls) for any profitability segment they choose.


The Axiom Profitability Management solution enables executives to:

  • Optimize performance by analyzing and monitoring key volume, cost and profitability trends across business lines
  • Identify segments eroding profitability and take corrective action
  • Prepare in-depth reports and analysis such as segmentation, ranking, and whale curve cumulative profitability
  • Generate actionable reports that analyze volumes, costs and profitability measures across any dimension and immediately drill into the details
  • Integrate operational and financial data sources to get a complete picture of performance
  • Perform clear and defensible costing algorithms at even the most granular levels of your business


Axiom Software provides the ability to analyze and understand how your customers, products, channels and service lines are eroding profitability. Finance teams have the robust capabilities needed to build sophisticated profitability models, while executives and business line leaders have the customized reporting needed to make better decisions.


With the Axiom Profitability Management solution, decision makers have access to the information they need to drive down costs and invest in segments that generate higher returns. Axiom’s robust reporting and dashboard capabilities allow executives to quickly and easily understand all of their business segments’ profit contributions and generate full profit and loss reporting for any dimension desired. Whether providing reports for the CFO, a business line leader or the board of directors, Axiom makes it easy to provide customized profitability reports tailored to the audience consuming the information. And with powerful ad hoc reporting capabilities, users can quickly drill from consolidated reports to the underlying details.


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